Sfumato Amaro Rabarbaro 750ml

Sfumato Amaro Rabarbaro 750ml


Regular price $17.50 $25.99 Special Pricing


All orders need to be picked up in Greendale, Wisconsin.
We do not ship.


The term Sfumato derives from the Italian word for smoke - ‘fumo’. It is traditionally associated with a style of Renaissance painting characterized by subtle transitions between areas of dark and light. This speaks directly to this amaro’s profile, which marries a dark smokiness with bitter woodsiness from alpine herbs and notes of sweet alpine berries. The main ingredient is a special Rabarbaro (rhubarb) variety that grows in Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto. Enjoy with tonic, grapefruit soda, or whiskey.

  • Unusual marriage of smokiness and bitter woodsiness
  • Made from alpine herbs and the root of Chinese rhubarb
  • Pairs beautifully with grapefruit Radler or stout
  • Lends depth and character to whiskey cocktails
  • Venerable producer of aperitivi and amari in Alto Adige

For recipes, visit https://alpenz.com/product-sfumato.html